• Origin of the Company Robert
• corporate objectives Robert
• Conclusion
• Personal Opinions
• Biography
This paper deals with Banca Robert until about its origin and how its owner is about to grow with the passing of years.
It also tells us about the people working here from all branches with so little time has Banca Robert also expresses where this company is located.
This work has the details of how to spend time this company has ido gradually grow and how their owner ha ido prosper.
The company has 9 years its owner is Robert Guzman.
It is located in downtown baoba front of the Colmado Velez
In this company working three members Daniel Jose that is reviewing who leads the list at the end of each sale and finally milauris who's who sells the numbers.
This company offers services to the client sells bone numbers.
It is a local small but every day is filled with people who want to try their luck.
It has four branches in a cross that covers the entire area in another new town and also has another in the central
Every day this business is progressing with the passing of the years and its owner will ever prosper.
The Banking Robert with the passing of the years this thriving every day and its objectives are serving the people for many decades.
This place is very small but inside there is a range, Television, Radio and begins its operations at 3:00 pm Monday Saturday from 8:30 pm on Sundays this Banking is in a good location for this next to the park and Velez in front of the Colmado Baoba of Pinal.
Many people whose client Banking since this is the only one in this area is in its owner cienpre Banca working on payments or zone by Melodie if something is offered.
The Baca also has an investor and a plant when it goes to the Light.
Each time a bank is visited by inspectors franchise to see if the owner is up to date with payments of contractual and if in the event of it not being well he will lead the aircraft and closure of the premises.
This bank is not sold to minors and that number has to play to take over this business 18Años age of banking is very productive because it provides a good profit to its owner and also some people who from time in strong numbers when they take on this bank sold Leysa, Nacional and Millonarios triplet
Now I want to express that to conclude the evaluation of this work I learned many things I will serve in their time prudently.
I would also like to urge that there are many lessons learned are many.
Companies related to the Banking Companies are some who generally have to pay a tax intimate and if you do not pay is a company that employed illegally.
Finally Companies Benches pay their taxes each year and receive a Franchise it credits to operate legally.
From Milauri:
In this work I could see about what is working on a bench as indeed I have done for 4 years dejándome knowledge in a positive way of dealing with people from all types of characters.
Eulogio De Yahaira:
In this work I could learn more about what is the work of banking since he worked in them as I could see the different ways that the system has progressed Lotteries that my time was different.
• People interviewed:
• Robert German.
• Milauri Javier.
• Liliana Javier.
• Yamali Villa.
• Waldo Jesus Rojas.
• Dictionary.
• Internet.
• Encyclopedias.
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